A New Adventure...Preceding mankind’s history there exist a world where myth and reality combined. In this world, man came under the domination of genetically altered beings who established themselves as lords over mankind. Much of man’s progress was accredited to these paranormal creatures and they made the start of advancing mankind into civilizations throughout the continents.
It was later stated Zahira’s world was affected by mutagenic gases from the cosmos infiltrating Earth’s soil and causing changes upon mankind, in an unmarked period and before the chronicles of known history. But men have always fashioned ingenious ways of telling their folklores and throughout time, such events are distorted and soon discern no bounds. In Zahira, author Darrell Abdullah Kirk pens a fantasy tale about the Knights of the Crescent Moon. One such knight is Zahira who was born during the Fimaya period, as recorded by the extinct Azmarians. She was chosen to bring peace back to the dark lands by claiming the weapon Koryan and bringing destruction to the Blackstar, an extra dimensional evil that has blanketed the earth with its malevolent presence. She is the last of her kind, a young girl raised in a harsh world of oppression and ignorance. Despite the odds and uncertainties she faces, all of this would mark her beginning on a perilous journey that will challenge man’s pride. Readers and fictional fantasy fanatics alike will be mesmerized with how Kirk’s imaginative mind smoothly travels with this tale of courage and heroism amidst insurmountable obstacles to bring what seems to be an elusive peace that surrounds the lands of the earth. A truly entertaining read, this fantasy novel will let everyone travel into the depths of a world marked by severe persecution and endless affliction and a heroine bound to destroy what is evil. Zahira is one amazing read that is sure to bring readers at the edge of their seats. Purchase your copy of the book 'Zahira the age of Rathamun', from: Amazon.com Zahira the Age of Rathamun